Companies We Support
Shrimp Daddy’s 385 NE Spencer St, Waldport, OR 97394
Bait shop open 7 day a week with live shrimp, cured shrimp, frozen herring, salmon eggs and tackle
River Stone Adventures 1-800-620-0269
Guided Rafting Trips on the Deschutes River in Eastern Oregon
Pure Vida Surf Shop 845 1st St, Otter Rock, OR 97369
Surf lessons and rentals open year round
Baymart Deli and Cafe 2209 NW Bashore Dr. Waldport, OR 97394
Neighborhood market with espresso, hot food and ice cream
Waldport Chamber of Commerce 585 NW Hemlock St, Waldport OR 97394
Greater Newport Chamber of Commerce 555 S.W Coast Hwy Newport, OR 97365
find information on local business and events throughout the year